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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Years of No

Recently my daughter was disappointed with her placement on her volleyball team. This led to me looking back on life. There were so many times in life when I WANTED something and it didn’t work out. At the time I experienced disappointment, much like my daughter but I have learned that these are closed doors and a signal for me to look at what God has in store for me.

In college I applied to nursing school and did not get admitted. The year I applied there were over 300 applicants for 90 spots. The following year they didn’t even have enough applicants to fill the spots. During my year of no, God opened the door for a 6 month mission’s trip to Africa. When I returned I decided to graduate with a degree in Health and Wellness. It was during this year that I was reacquainted with the man I would marry and actually get married 8 months later.

After getting married we wanted to have kids right away. The door was closed and we were unable to have children for 8 long years. During those 8 years we ministered as a couple to numerous youth in our community. I went back to college and earned my degree in Early Childhood Special Education. The families and children I have met during that time have been God ordained.

Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.

If my plans had worked out I would not have the life I have now. I would not have met, interacted, blessed or have been blessed by the people along this path. Sometimes no is the best answer!

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