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Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Wind, Snow, Long Run and Speed

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

Week 8

43 miles, speed 2-3 times one mile repeats, long run 20, running 6 days.


It’s getting real this week. The first 20 miler is always intimidating to me. Can I really do this? Also, I need to see if I can get some of my speed back with these one mile repeats. I compared my half mile repeats from this part of my training last year and I was about 30 seconds per mile faster.


First 20 miler today and so nervous! The weather is in the mid 30s with a 10-12 mph wind. I have to tell myself that I’ve done this before and I can do it again.

I ate oatmeal for breakfast, coffee of course, and drank LIQUID IV at 7. I brought a protein bar with me to work and ate it around 9. I was also purposeful about drinking water and I was l starving by the time I finished work, not good. I packed a serving of UCAN to drink and wanted to try out the UCAN Edge bar, since this double serving was supposed to provide enough energy for 2 hours. So, as I finished up some last minute emails at my desk I ate my lunch/pre run meal, then I drove home and did a quick wardrobe change.

I contemplated running a 5 mile out and back north, pit stopping for water and bathroom at my house, then finishing 5 out and back south. In hindsight, I should’ve gone with that plan.

I started out going north, the wind was mild and the roads were pretty clear of snow. My right hip had been irritated the last 3 days but I didn’t have any pain, just the heavy leg feeling again. I have been doing some massage with the foam roller and lacrosse ball this week and applied some kt tape before I started running.

My stomach was okay for the first half, I used my flipbelt bottle to bring another serving of UCAN and brought my trusty fruit snacks. I did leave a bottle of water at the end of my driveway too, which I did not get back to because I went north for a full 10 miles. My energy level felt steady and my stomach was pretty solid.

Just before the 10 mile point there is a big hill, similar to Heartbreak Hill in Boston. There is just something about conquering that hill on a long run. I could see it and knew I should turn back to use the bathroom and get my water but oh that hill, I just HAD to run up it! By the time I turned around the wind had picked back up and I needed to put my gloves back on. I could definitely feel the wind pressing against me. I was really cutting it close to get back in time to pick up my kids from school. As I headed back into town to finish my last two miles I saw several cars and picked up my pace. I didn’t do this intentionally, it just happens when people are around. This run felt hard on my legs, so tired and heavy. My low back had a small twinge starting at mile 18. Heading towards my driveway I regretted more than ever that I didn’t stop to use the bathroom, time to start working on those kegels again!

I finished my last serving of UCAN miles 12-14 and around mile 17 started supplementing with a fruit snack every few minutes. When I made it home, I had to do a quick change, grab water, a cheese stick and pick up my kids before I could get some quality stretching and refueling. My stomach was okay while running but then queasy for 3 ½ hours afterwards. I still have some tweaking to do with my fueling. When I ran the Fargo Marathon 1 ½ years ago I used Tailwind and fruit snacks. The temps were much warmer during my training and I was able to drink more water than I’m drinking with all of this winter running.

I was feeling discouraged with this long run but then I looked back at my stats from last year when I was training for Grandma’s Marathon and realized that my pace was similar for this run last year. My heart rate and Vo2 max are excellent right now. Next week I hope to dial in my fueling and kick this heavy leg feeling. Long runs after work are really not my favorite. I find it hard to be nutritionally prepared.


I had been suspecting that my back was in need of adjusting because I couldn’t kick my hip pain and with the twinge during my last two miles yesterday, I decided to get an appointment for a massage and adjustment.

I did a slow 3 on the treadmill, school was let out early because of snow and wind.


I’m still sore but getting an easy 5 on the treadmill, short ab workout and gentle yoga stretch. Speed is on for tomorrow and the weather looks to be cold and windy.


Our roads were terrible this morning. The plows had not gone past and a car was

stuck in the middle of the road, plus the temps were sub zero again with a 20 mph wind. Speed work on the treadmill.

Since I was going to have to hit the treadmill I opted to do 2 x 1 mile repeats rather than 3. I set the treadmill at my 5k pace for the first repeat, which was the pace I did my fastest ½ mile repeat last week. Wow, it was tough but I powered through and did my second repeat .5 mph slower and then increased my pace during the last ¼ mile.

Not my favorite but glad it’s over. Tomorrow is my rest day!

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