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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

What is Weighing You Down?

As I have settled into my slower summer schedule I've started to reflect on stress. Even with a less chaotic schedule I am stressed and weighed down. The things on my stress list: expectations I place on myself, my to-do list, trying to control the uncontrollable. I put these stressors on myself. My aha, I make my life stressful.

The other morning I wanted our camper cleaned and our bags packed, so when we decided to go home it would be a quick transition. Well, my kids disagreed with this plan. Although I am a morning person the other people in my family are not. They were tired, grumpy and wanted to slowly start their day. The mom on a mission was not winning a popularity contest. Did I really need the camper to be cleaned or our bags to be packed immediately? No, in reality we had all day. I was pushing to complete my to-do list in a short amount of time, putting stressful expectations on myself and my family.

Ephesians 3:20-21

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

I expected immeasurably more out of myself and my family than what was realistic that morning. I can not do everything. God can do ALL things. I often do the reverse, expecting myself to do all things and not allowing God the opportunity to show me that He can do ALL things. I make my life more stressful by placing expectations on myself that are unrealistic. These stressors are like rocks that I keep picking up and then feel the weight pulling me down. When I’m carrying all of the rocks, life is hard. I am exhausted from trying to complete my to-do list, carrying the weight of my own expectations and oh so frustrated. I need to put down the rocks and allow God who can do more than I can imagine to work his power in my circumstances and within me.

Today I am putting down the rocks that are weighing me down. I am asking God to do more than I can imagine.

What rocks do you need to put down? Ask God to do more than you can imagine.

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