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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Surrender: Lessons from Paul to 'Come Thou Fount'

Surrender is a recurring theme within the pages of the Bible, with one of my favorite narratives being the transformation of Paul, once known as Saul, from a persecutor of Christians to a devoted follower of Jesus. Acts 9:1-22 lays out the powerful encounter that brought Paul to his knees.

Surrender - A Daily Struggle:

Surrender, an easy word to express, yet a challenging concept to adopt daily. In the area of faith, we are not alone in our struggles. Even the author of the timeless hymn, "Come Thou Fount," Robert Robinson, found himself wrestling with surrender throughout his life's journey.  

Robinson's story began with adversity, losing his father at the age of 8. Faced with financial responsibilities, he became the provider for his family by apprenticing as a barber. During a rebellious phase, he stumbled into a church service with the intent to mock the preacher. However, a message penetrated his heart, altering the course of his life. At 22 in 1758, he wrote the hymn that has resonated through generations.

The Struggle to Stay Grounded:

The hymn's well known, "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it," expresses a reality that resonates with me. Much like Robinson, who faced persistent struggles with wandering throughout his life, we too find ourselves susceptible to the temptation of old habits and the monotony of routine, causing our spiritual passion to fade. One of my wanderings occurred during the pandemic, with its shift to online church services, brought new challenges. The ease of staying in our comfort zones, dressed in pajamas, seemed enticing even after in-person services resumed. 

Staying Connected Amidst Distractions:

To combat this tendency to wander, we need intentional efforts to stay connected to Jesus:

  • Reading the Bible: Get into the Bible daily to rejuvenate your spiritual journey.

  • Praying: Establish a routine of prayer – sit silently, write down your thoughts, play Christian music, and talk honestly with God.

  • Community: Surround yourself with other Christians for support and encouragement.

  • Honest Self-Reflection: Acknowledge and confront your habits honestly, paving the way for transformation.

Surrender is not a one-time event but a daily commitment. From Paul's blinding encounter to Robert Robinson's hymn, the journey of surrender weaves through history, reminding us that in the ebb and flow of life, staying connected to Jesus is the anchor that prevents us from wandering too far.

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