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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Sunshine or Storm: A Perspective Shift

Last month, my husband and I took a quick trip to Arizona in search of sunshine and warmer weather. It's become somewhat of a tradition for us, marking our fifth year making this journey. However, last year's experience left us feeling a bit chilled, so this time, we shifted our plans by a week in hopes of soaking up more sunlight. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on our side. Despite our efforts, the temperatures barely peaked at 67 degrees, with thick clouds dominating the sky. To make matters worse, we encountered a heavy downpour one day, with temperatures struggling to even reach 60 degrees.

But it wasn't just the weather that tested our patience. Our first hotel, which promised a stunning mountain view, only offered a view of the parking lot. At our second hotel, despite assurances of a text notification when our room was ready, we never received any message. And to top it off, during one of our hikes, we unexpectedly stumbled upon a rattlesnake during a rare moment of sunshine.

On the surface, it might seem like our vacation was a disappointment. However, there's another side to the story. When I shifted my focus away from the setbacks and looked deeper, I discovered blessings in unexpected places.

Colossians 3:1-2 reminds us, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

As I stopped dwelling on the negatives and began to count my blessings, my

perspective shifted. Despite the initial letdown, I found moments of joy and gratitude. At our first hotel, with a noon checkout time, I seized the opportunity to enjoy a peaceful morning by the pool under the sunny sky and when I looked up I found the mountain view. And when we arrived at our second hotel, although the promised text never came, they graciously allowed us to use the pool area while our room was being prepared.

We managed to tackle three separate hikes, with the rain holding off until we were safely back indoors. With our kids in the care of my parents, we savored moments of uninterrupted relaxation. The cozy fireplace became my sanctuary for early morning Bible reading and late-night movie sessions, adding warmth to our stay.

I challenge you to consider your own experiences. In the middle of life's unexpected twists and turns, how often do we focus on the disappointments rather than the blessings? Take a moment to shift your perspective. Look beyond the surface frustrations and seek out the hidden joys and blessings in your own life. Remember, even during cloudy days, there is sunshine to be found if we choose to seek it.

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