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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Seeking Wisdom in the Race of Life

Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon, June 2024

This race season, I had originally planned to run a full marathon in June. But constant muscle strains forced me to adjust my goals. Instead of the marathon, I ended up running a half marathon with the simple goal of crossing the finish line. My training for that race was minimal at best.

Since then, I've shifted my focus to a fall half marathon, and this time, I’ve really put in the work. Early morning speed workouts, midweek long runs on top of my weekend long runs, and a dedicated focus on strength and mobility have become part of my routine. I started training in June with a solid plan in place—but as I’ve learned time and time again, my plans aren’t always God’s plans. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

I've dealt with a sore quad, foot pain, and a tight hip flexor. With each of these setbacks, I’ve turned to God, asking for guidance. One week, I scrapped my training plan altogether and took a rest week. Another time, instead of following the scheduled rest week, I did the bare minimum to keep moving. And just this week, with three volleyball games on the schedule, I canceled my Monday run in favor of sleep. Keep an eye out for my race recap in a couple of weeks!

Through it all, I’m learning to trust God in my physical training. But spiritually, I want to develop that same kind of constant communication with Him. Honestly, I still have a ways to go. I want to check in with Him throughout my day, seeking His wisdom in the big decisions and the small moments. "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." (James 1:5)

This week, join me in committing to seek God's wisdom in intentional ways. Here are some ideas I plan to try:

  • Start the day with a quick prayer for guidance—whether during your morning coffee or just before work begins.

  • Set reminders on your phone to pause and talk with God during the busyness of the day.

  • Keep a journal with you to jot down your thoughts and moments where you feel God’s nudging.

  • Take time at the end of the day to reflect on where you felt God’s presence and where you might have missed it.

  • Ask God to show you where He’s guiding you, and trust that His wisdom will always be the best path forward.

As I’m about to hit publish on this article, I had to share how God gave me even more running wisdom. Last night, as I went to bed, my right quad was sore, and I was undecided about how far I should run in the morning—long run was on the schedule. I set my alarm and asked God for wisdom. My alarm never went off, and I woke up with a cold. Okay, God, I get the message—take a rest day. Ask Him for wisdom and see how He responds.

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