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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Rest, Yoke and Learning: Applying Matthew 11:28-30

This last week has been chaotic and a bit stressful. I taught summer school, there was t ball, softball, marching band practice, volleyball camp, half marathon training, my niece’s graduation party and a parade to name a few causes of the chaos. When I am overwhelmed I think of Matthew 11:28-30.

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.


I needed literal rest this week. My evenings consisted of couch naps, when I would fall asleep on the couch before I could make it to bed. I even skipped a run because I just needed more sleep and rest for my body. To rest my soul I held consistent to spending time each morning with Jesus.


All of the to dos I carry that weigh me down. This week the to dos were heavier than the rest and my yoke was not the right fit. When I carry Jesus’ yoke it is the right amount of to dos and rest. I went through a season of saying no to everything but I felt purposeless, wondering. Doing all the things is too heavy and I trip, fall, feel overwhelmed, exhausted. Discovering and learning the balance is Jesus yoke.


This is the key, to learn from Jesus. When I learn from Jesus I take time to rest, I say yes to the plans He has for me and no to the ones that are not. I want to take the yoke that Jesus has for me, the plans and tasks that He wants me to do. In order to do that I need to learn from Him, so I know what He wants me to do. Some of the ways I learn from Him: making time to spend with Him, reading the Bible, talking to Him (prayer), listening to Him (being silent and waiting) and taking action when I’m prompted or know the right thing to do.

Take a moment today to evaluate your rest, your yoke and learn from Jesus.

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