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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Resisting the Stillness of Psalm 46:10a

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Stillness has taken on different meanings for me over the years or should I say resisting the stillness.

My youngest was a colicky baby and she struggled to be still at night. She would cry and cry and cry for hours every single night. We tried rocking, walking, special drops, changing diets and nothing would help from 9:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. for the first 3 months of her life. Oh the peace when her body would still and she would settle into her soft rhythmic breathes.

During the toddler stage, both of my kids would keep themselves extra busy the closer we got to bedtime, okay they still do this. My husband and I would accuse each other of slipping them sugar or caffeine. They resisted the stillness that would lead to the rest their bodies needed.

As an adult I resist the stillness in a different way. Yes, I am still busy doing like my kids as toddlers but I have added a new skill to my fight against the stillness, worrying. I overthink and stress about life.

Recently I have been revisiting the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. It has me checking my busyness and worries. Several years ago I established a habit of connecting with God right away in the morning but after my day gets started I leave God with my empty coffee cup. Through this study I have been reaching out to God beyond my morning coffee session.

Psalm 46:10a

Be still, and know that I am God….

I have been speaking this verse throughout the day. I speak it when life is going well, I speak it when I'm stressed and busy. Sometimes I say it in my head and at other times I speak the words out loud. The crazy thing is that when I pause for that brief moment I feel peace. The chaos is less chaotic.

Join me this week in speaking Psalm 46:10.

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