Week 7
Back to reality.
40 miles total, speed 6 x half mile repeats at 5k to fast pace, 12 mile long run, running 6 days.
Last run in Arizona this morning and it was beautiful. I found a few trails by the resort and the views were breathtaking.
This was a rest day for me and I definitely needed a day of recovery to transition back to the daily grind. My work is having a step challenge this month, so I did make myself put on a minimum of 10,000 steps and fell asleep on the couch before 8:00.
Snow is predicted on and off all week. Today I moved my speedwork up a day to avoid snow on Wednesday. This meant I worked a full day and then rushed home to run. I prefer to run in the morning before the day gets busy. I was probably dehydrated as I rushed out the door and definitely had not eaten enough.
I pushed as hard as I could, my legs were heavy. I was able to run my fastest repeats during the first and fifth repeats. They were close to my 5k pace and after this workout I seriously doubted I could run a 5k at that pace.
More snow, moving my longer run up to today. I’m trying some new nutrition, UCAN. It is supposed to be a slow release rather than the fast spike that the more sugary nutrition provides. Since I’ve been dealing with nausea after most of my runs I thought I’d try switching it up. I used it before my treadmill run yesterday and it sat well with my stomach. I certainly didn’t want to try it on a long run, far away from a toilet!
I drank one serving of Tropical Orange Energy Powder 30 minutes before my run. Within the first mile I felt a surge of energy, almost like a caffeine high but it leveled out by mile two. This was the best I’ve felt on a longer run since I injured my hamstring last June. I didn’t have any nausea during or afterwards. I’m frugal and knew I didn’t need two servings of UCAN for my run but probably needed a little something for the last two miles. I had steady energy for 90 minutes. Good thing I have several long runs left to make adjustments.