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Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Living with God at the Center: More than a Priority

A few weeks ago, the Youth Pastor at our church had the opportunity to preach on Sunday. He shared about an activity that he used to challenge the youth group. They were asked to rank the most important aspects of their lives, and God predictably ended up at the top. But then, they were prompted to consider how much time they spent on these priorities. There was a drastic difference between what they considered important and how they distributed their time. I found myself in a similar situation, realizing that with the demands of work, family, and daily chores, my time with God wasn’t receiving the attention it deserved.

The Youth Pastor’s message didn’t stop at this realization. Instead, he encouraged the youth group and us adults to envision God at the center of our lives, radiating into every part of our existence. This perspective shift brought me tremendous relief. It wasn’t about juggling priorities but about letting God saturate every area of my life.

Reflecting on this concept, I took a deep dive into my daily schedule. At work, I could choose positivity, allowing God to guide my conversations and interactions with my coworkers, students, and their families. Even mundane chores can be an avenue for expressing gratitude; with worship music playing. Time spent with family and friends can be opportunities to share God’s love, to be present, and to appreciate moments He has given me with them.

John 13:34-35

“A new command I give you: Love one another.

As I have loved you,

so you must love one another.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,

if you love one another.”

1 Timothy 6:17-19

Command those who are rich

in this present world not to be arrogant

nor to put their hope in wealth,

which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,

who richly provides us with

everything for our enjoyment.

Command them to do good,

to be rich in good deeds,

and to be generous and willing to share.

In this way they will lay up treasure

for themselves as a firm foundation

for the coming age,

so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

John 13:34-35 reminds me of Jesus’ command to love one another, to reflect His love in every interaction. In 1 Timothy 6:17, I’m reminded not to cling to material possessions but to enjoy them and be open to God’s purpose in them. 1 Timothy also reminded me that God provides everything for our enjoyment. Even my hobbies and leisure activities could be pathways for God’s work. One of my guilty pleasures, scrolling through social media, took on new meaning when I realized it could be a platform for sharing God’s message and participating in meaningful discussions. He has given me opportunities to use this Blog as a ministry and to be part of book studies. It’s about being open to God’s presence in every moment, even the seemingly unproductive ones.

Living with God at the center doesn’t mean eradicating all leisure or unproductive moments. It’s about inviting God into every space, being receptive to His guidance, and finding joy in His presence. With this perspective, I am learning to embrace life fully, trusting that with God at the center, every moment is an opportunity to live the life He has planned for me.

Give this activity a try: make a list of your priorities, then rank them in order of time. Finally commit them to God and be open to how He wants to use your days.

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