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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

God's Progress Report: Faithfully Creating a Behavior Improvement Plan

Fall is in full swing with Halloween just around the corner and Thanksgiving soon to follow. The junior high volleyball season has wrapped up, and now playoffs are starting for all the varsity sports. Last week, it was time for Parent-Teacher Conferences. My husband and I made our short drive to the school to hear the latest update on our kids. Each teacher covered their academic specialty and then touched on behavior. I’m pleased to say that reports for academics and behavior were positive.

I couldn't help but wonder what kind of update God would give about me. Would He cover my Bible reading, prayer life, and behavior? How would I score?

Reflecting on last week's Make Monday Matter, Transform Your Self-Talk, helped me to process my own conference with God. Psalm 139:23-24 provides a format for God’s progress report on my behavior:

"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

I spent time in silence, asking God about my behavior, my "offensive ways." I have to admit that God did not give me the gleaming report that the teachers gave my kids. There are offensive ways, sins. I make poor choices, exhibit laziness in the face of my to-do lists, and lose my patience with my kids, among other things. Thankfully, God didn’t just stop with pointing out everything I had been doing wrong. At the end of verse 24, "lead me in the way everlasting," provides hope of correcting my errors.

My behavior report is far from perfect, but God, the Good Teacher He is, also provides a Behavior Improvement Plan: Follow Him and His Leading.

I invite you to spend time in a conference with God this week. Ask Him to point out your offenses and then lead you in His ways. Remember, we are all works in progress.

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