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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

God in the Little Things

The other week, my daughters and I were soaking up the last bits of summer at the pool, one of our favorite perks of seasonal camping. The September heat had lingered, making our bonus pool day feel like a treat. I relaxed, listening to a good book and reading another (I like to have options) while the girls splashed around, knowing the weekend was coming to an end and we'd need to get ready for school soon.

After we got home, the usual rush began: unpacking, laundry, dinner, and prepping for the week ahead. I wanted to keep listening to my book, but I couldn’t find my AirPods. The girls and I searched everywhere, retracing our steps multiple times, and finally decided they must have been left at the camper—a small problem I’d deal with later.

Fast forward to Friday. I was back at the camper to put another coat of stain on the deck, and I figured I’d grab my AirPods while I was there. But despite searching the pool bag, drawers, counters, and even by the fireplace, there was no sign of them. Frustrated, I paused and sent up a quick prayer, “God, it’d be great if you could show me where these AirPods are.”

On a whim, I checked my purse again—for what seemed like the millionth time. I patted the bottom of the bag and felt a square-shaped object. No way! There were my AirPods, buried under the extra fabric inside my purse. I couldn’t believe it!

Sometimes, I think God is just there for the major problems in life, and I hesitate to bring Him the little things. I don’t want to treat Him like a vending machine, expecting Him to fix every minor inconvenience and fulfill all my impulsive desires. But this moment was a reminder: God cares about the small things, too. It was a simple conversation with Him, but also a relationship builder, a confirmation that we’re friends.

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” — 1 Peter 5:7

Today, I encourage you to talk to God about whatever is going on in your life. Whether it’s big or small, start the conversation early. He’s always listening, and sometimes, He’ll surprise you in the most unexpected ways.

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