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Get Off the Couch: A Lent Challenge to Grow Closer to God

Writer: Joni Lynn SchwartzJoni Lynn Schwartz

My couch is comfortable. It’s my go-to spot every evening—a place to relax, unwind, and escape the stress of the day. After a long day of work, parenting, and responsibilities, sinking into that familiar spot feels like a well-earned reward. There’s nothing wrong with rest; God modeled a day of rest for us in Genesis. But to be honest, my couch has also become a place of laziness. I scroll endlessly on my phone, binge-watch TV, and snack the night away. While these things give me temporary comfort, they often leave me feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and disconnected.

With the start of Lent this past Wednesday, I’ve been thinking about the tradition of “giving something up” as a way to prepare for Easter.

What Is Lent?

Lent is a 40-day season (not counting Sundays) of prayer, fasting, and repentance leading up to Easter Sunday. It is meant to mirror the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness, where He was tempted by Satan but remained faithful to God (Matthew 4:1-11). The early Christian church established Lent as a period of preparation for new believers before they were baptized on Easter. Over time, it became a season for all Christians to refocus their hearts on God, practice self-discipline, and make room for deeper spiritual growth. Many people observe Lent by giving up something meaningful, whether it’s a type of food, a habit, or a distraction, using that sacrifice as a way to draw closer to Christ.

For me, I need to give up my laziness. I need to get off the couch.

A Shift in Focus

A few years ago, my mom decided to give up watching Wheel of Fortune for Lent. She had a set routine—every evening, she’d sit down and watch the show. But that year, she made a change. Instead of spending those 30 minutes in front of the TV, she chose to read her Bible and pray. It was a small adjustment, but it made a big difference in her spiritual life.

Her example got me thinking. If I gave up just 30 minutes of my evening routine, what could I gain instead? What if I swapped mindless scrolling for meaningful time with God?

The Challenge: Get Off the Couch

This year, I’m committing to getting off the couch for 30 minutes each evening to walk with Jesus. Instead of mindlessly sitting in my usual spot, I’ll step outside, breathe in fresh air, and move my body or walk on the treadmill if winter returns. I’ll listen to Christian music, pray, and reflect. Maybe I’ll even invite someone to join me—a friend, my husband, or one of my kids. But no matter what, I won’t be stuck in the same old rut.

I challenge you to join me.

For the next 40 days, make a commitment to get off the couch—physically, spiritually, or both. Maybe for you, it means going for a walk, reading your Bible (here is a daily Lent reading schedule), journaling, or spending intentional time in prayer. Whatever it is, let this be a season of moving closer to God.

“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”—Hebrews 12:1-2


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