When is it easiest to be grateful? When life is easy? All the time? When things are hard? Or could it be after a season of difficulty, during a breakthrough?
This summer I injured my leg running and have been attempting to get on the road to recovery ever since. Before my injury life was relatively easy. I was getting in my training runs, increasing speed, hitting my goals, enjoying the summer sun and time off from work. Was I grateful? Not really, training was hard, I was getting up early to workout for 2-3 hours 6 days per week and my kids were refining their sparring skills with each other.
Then injury hit and I had extra time on my hands. I could sleep in, do the activities that I had not had the time or energy to do when I was on the run. Was I grateful? Um no! I was grumpy, depressed and longing for early mornings alone on the road to get in a long run. During this hard time I examined my Joy and set out to establish habits that would produce Joy even though life wasn't going my way.
When I was given the clear to ditch my crutches, okayed to walk and bike, a breakthrough. Was I grateful? YES! How can it be that I was the most grateful after a time of difficulty? When life was easy I took for granted what was right in front of me. When faced with adversity I was able to look back and remember what I had and when a small portion of my easy life was returned (walking and biking) I was genuinely grateful.
Psalm 77:11-12
I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.
I had to take time to remember the good that I had, the “deeds” that God had done in my life and how He had been providing for me. My daughter has a gratitude journal that she writes in each night. She takes time to reflect on what has happened in her day and write down what she is grateful for that day. This also provides her a way to look back at what happened long ago. I can now look back at my summer and appreciate those early morning runs and time together with sparring kids.
Are you experiencing ease, hardship or breakthrough? Before you go to bed tonight take a minute to write down a gratitude list. If you would like to dig a little deeper read one of the following passages each day to learn about the deeds of the LORD.
Daniel in the Lion's Den
The Birth of Jesus
Abraham and Sarah
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Jesus' Resurrection