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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

Conquering Winter Runs: A Battle with the Elements

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

I wokeup this morning to a world of darkness, accompanied by flurries and a biting wind. The prospect of a brisk outdoor run seemed less than appealing, and the idea of logging five miles on the treadmill wasn't much better. With reluctance, I gathered layers of clothes, obsessively checked the ever-changing weather forecast, and contemplated my options while basking in the warmth of the heater. After an indoor warm-up, I finally braved the elements.

Winter running has always been a challenge for me, and today was no exception. As the forecasted wind and snow met me head-on, I quickly adjusted my planned route to sidestep an icy assault.

Getting out the door during the winter months is, undoubtedly, the biggest hurdle. As winter sets in, I find myself revisiting some tried-and-true tips to overcome the obstacles that come with running in the cold.

1. Plan Ahead

The key is to decide the night before that you will run outside. Lay out your clothes, and don't forget to dress as if it were 20 degrees warmer since running tends to generate heat. Today, I erred on the side of caution, knowing I'd be running at a slower pace and battling the wind.

2. Speak Your Intentions

Share your plan with someone. I've discovered that vocalizing my commitment to running a specific distance outside makes me more likely to follow through. Better yet, if you can find a running buddy, the accountability factor skyrockets.

3. Be Adaptable

Flexibility is key. When faced with icy pellets this morning, I immediately altered my route. Zigzagging through town, the buildings shielded me from the biting wind, allowing me to change direction strategically and avoid the worst of the gusts.

4. Prioritize Warm-ups

Gone are the days of rushing straight out the door in running gear. My body has signaled that it needs a proper warm-up. I now incorporate warm-up routines from Instagram before braving the winter chill. This morning I used a warm-up from Running Yana.

5. Find Your Rhythm with Music

A well-curated playlist with a fast beat and inspiring lyrics can be a game-changer. Today, a couple of motivating songs propelled me through the challenging conditions.

6. Adjust Your Goals

Winter runs may not match the pace of warm-weather outings. Embrace the opportunity to focus on mileage and overall fitness. Slowing down allows for reflection, appreciation of the winter scenery, and a sense of tranquility.

As winter settles in, this is just the beginning of my seasonal running journey. I'm determined to put these strategies into practice, knowing that warm, fast runs will be my reward come Spring 2024!

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