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  • Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

A Surprise Blessing: Finding My Place in a Blended Family Wedding

The other weekend, my stepson—though I prefer to call him by his first name—married my new daughter-in-law. The title of "stepmother" is one of my least favorites; it stirs up images of wicked stepmothers, an image I'd rather not live out. As I approached the wedding weekend, I felt quite apprehensive. How does the "Third Wheel Mother" attend the wedding? The bride has a mother, the groom has a mother, and then there's me.

I entered the weekend with low expectations, planning to be quietly supportive in the background. However, what actually happened was a surprise blessing from God. It started at the rehearsal dinner when the bride and groom gave out gifts with personal handwritten notes to each of their parents, including me.

On the wedding day, I was included in the getting-ready process. I had my makeup done alongside the other women in the bridal suite, surrounded by the bridesmaids and mothers. In a moment that was meant to celebrate the bride and groom's new beginning, I found myself blessed by their thoughtfulness and inclusion.

amazing wedding

This experience brought to mind Hebrews 10:24: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." The thoughtful gestures from that weekend have motivated me to look for ways to bless those around me with the same love and consideration.

I had this past week off from work, and instead of retreating into the solitude my introverted self often prefers, I found myself reaching out to others. I sought to connect and check in on people, driven by a desire to pass on the love and good deeds that were shown to me.

This week, I encourage you to be on the lookout for opportunities to demonstrate love and good deeds. Whether it's a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or simply being present for someone, let us strive to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. You never know how much your actions might bless someone else, just as I was blessed by my stepson's and daughter-in-law's kindness.

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