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Writer's pictureJoni Lynn Schwartz

A Summer of Presence: Enjoying Nature and Family Time

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As the school year wraps up, I find myself just as excited as my kids. It’s time to turn off the alarms, end the morning chaos, and ease into a slower pace. The last teacher workshop of the year was a fitting close, with my coworkers and I sharing our "aha" moments from our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). We explored a variety of topics throughout the year to improve our skills, and a few presentations really stuck with me as I transition into summer with my family.

This book was such a hit that it was featured by two different teams. The core message is simple yet powerful: be present. Focus on the here and now, where your feet are planted at the moment. As I prepare to spend more time with my kids, this reminder couldn't be more timely. My feet will be near my children, and I aim to interact with them without the usual distractions of a busy school day. This summer, I want to soak in every moment with them.

The presentation on this book made us confront our daily screen time – and let’s just say, it was an eye-opener. It highlighted how our brains receive a small dopamine hit each time we check our phones. Gaming, in particular, was discussed as an addiction, noting how games often lack a clear end, which contrasts with the structured tasks we teach in school. This summer, I aim to be more mindful of my screen time and encourage my kids to do the same.

This presentation emphasized the importance of outdoor play, recommending 45-60 minutes of unstructured outdoor time for its calming effects. Initially, kids might be hyperactive, but as they approach the hour mark, their play becomes more complex and cooperative, leading to a calming effect. I saw this firsthand at the pool today: the first 20 minutes were chaotic, but after an hour, my kids were organizing and creating games together. This summer, I plan to prioritize outdoor activities and let nature work!

These three presentations impacted me because of my kids. I want to be present with them this summer, enjoying the outdoors and minimizing screen time. God has created a beautiful world for us to explore, and I want to appreciate it fully with my children.

Matthew 6:28-29

And why do you worry about clothes?

See how the flowers of the field grow.

They do not labor or spin.

Yet I tell you that not even Solomon

in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

This summer, my goal is to enjoy the time I have with my kids, rather than worrying. I want to look around and appreciate all that God has provided with this slower pace and learn from it. Here’s to a summer of being present, enjoying nature and family time.

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